Upcoming Event | The (2024) International Forum of Young Scientists (Scholars)-Sub-Forum for Sci&Tech Driven Business Interdisciplinary Research


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Introduction to the Forum 

The International Forum of Young Scientists (Scholars) (Sub-Forumfor Sci&Tech Driven Business Interdisciplinary Research, Shanghai International School of Chief Technology Officer) is regularly co-organized by Shanghai International School of Chief Technology Officer and Asia Europe Business School under the instruction of East China Normal University. This sub-forum provides an academic platform for exchanging research progresses and ideas among outstanding young scientists through the symposium, academic seminar, and interview communication, focusing on topic of “sci&tech + business”. The forum will be more concentrated on the engineering management, business administration, applied economics and other first-level disciplines, and will explore international frontier topics and promote academic exchanges or cooperation in the relevant fields of biomedical science, artificial intelligence, and integrated circuit industry. The forum is planned to be held on August 17, 2024.

Introduction to the School and the University

East China Normal University (ECNU), founded on October 16, 1951, is a comprehensive research-oriented university jointly supported by the Ministry of Education and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government. In 1996, ECNU was listed in the national top university construction programs "Project 211". In 2006, ECNU was sponsored by the national "Project 985". In 2017, the university entered A-class of the national world-class university construction. Adhering to the university motto of “Seek truth, foster originality, and live up to the name of a teacher”, ECNU has made great achievements in talent-training, scientific research, community service and international exchanges. ECNU is working steadily towards its goal of transforming itself into a world-class university.

The ECNU Shanghai International School of Chief Technology Officer (hereinafter referred to as the “CTO School”), founded under the leadership of Qian Xuhong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of the ECNU, is a new entity teaching and research institution of the ECNU. The CTO School, committed to “realizing the social value of science and technology through the dual transformation of people and technology,” adheres to the core value of “innovation changes the world”, shapes the thinking, ability and pattern of technology and innovation management leaders and trains chief technology officers and future strategic entrepreneurs with a global vision and a sense of social mission.

Asia Europe Business School was jointly created by East China Normal University, a double first-class construction university in the world, and Emlyon Business School, a prestigious university in Europe in June 2015. The school integrates the multidisciplinary comprehensive advantages of East China Normal University and the business education background of Emlyon Business School, focusing on cultivating the students' innovation abilities and international management abilities in the global business environment. The School, which adopts full English teaching with undergraduate and postgraduate students from 64 countries in the world, has formed a faculty and scientific research team composed of outstanding talents from world-class universities. It is committed to the development of new business knowledge. It took the lead in establishing the master’s degree on High-end Brand Management in the world and its featured discipline Brand Strategy and Enterprise Growth has gained high reputation and influence both at home and abroad. It is the first to establish the concentration of "AI Innovation Engineering" in the master's degree of engineering management, supported by the school's characteristic discipline of "Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Science" for teaching and talent cultivation. It is also the first in China to establish the Business Administration (AI Business Experimental Class) and was approved as a national first-class undergraduate major construction site in 2021. Based on the mainstream business & management knowledge system of the world, it cultivates Sci-Tech Driven Business talents facing the new era of AI through cross integration with AI-technology education. Focusing on international talent cultivation, the school has established teaching and practice bases in cooperation with well-known international enterprises, and provides leading management talents with global vision, transnational working ability and social responsibility for serving the national and world market.

The CTO School, in combination with the ECNU Asia Europe Business School, jointly built the ECNU Sci&Tech Driven Business Alliance, carried out the “sci&tech+” and “business+” cross discipline construction, advocated the establishment of Sci&Tech Driven Business and changed the traditional education of business, which has been endorsed and supported by experts and scholars from the Tsinghua University, the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhejiang University, Tongji University and other academic communities. Mainly based on the new engineering advantageous fields of ECNU, such as ultra-limit manufacturing, AI and information technology, the school carries out talent cultivation and discipline construction of technology business for the three major industries - artificial intelligence, integrated circuit and biomedicine, as well as several strategic emerging industries.

The school has now offered undergraduate programs in Business Administration (AI Business Experimental Class, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Class), Master's degree in Marketing (High-end Brand Management concentration), Master's degree in International Business (Global Management and China Studies concentration), engineering management professional master’s degree program (direction of chief technology officer, AI innovation engineering, emergency response technology and management, major project management) and CTO innovative leadership executive education program (focusing on biomedical industry, beauty and wellness industry, etc.). The school has set a sub-discipline doctoral program of technology and innovation management, and established a technology business discipline system and world-class CTO talent training system with the coordinated development of undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral programs, aiming to develop into a new internationally renowned technology business school integrating teaching education, scientific innovation research, technology transfer and achievement transformation, entrepreneurship service, government decision-making consultation, and other functions.









East China Normal University:


Shanghai International School of Chief Technology Officer:


Asia Europe Business School:


Theme and schedule

Disciplines and fields (to be specified by the applicant):

Management science and engineering:

engineering management, information system, big data technology, artificial intelligence and business applications;

Business management:

market science, operations and supply chain management, innovation and entrepreneurship, leadership and senior management team;

Applied economics:

engineering economics, econometrics, digital economics, international economics and trade.


The forum is planned to be held on August 17, 2024 The detailed agenda of the forum will be announced later.

Registration requirements

Young scientists should be aged below 40, with a PhD degree from a prestigious Chinese or foreign university or research institution, and have made outstanding academic achievements.

Registration method

From now on, those who are interested in the forum can apply online by scanning the following QR code:

The school will invite some of the young scientists to attend the online forum.

Contact Us





Shanghai International School of Chief Technology Officer:

👤 Contact: Ms. Wu

💌 E-mail: xbwu@cto.ecnu.edu.cn

💬Tel: +86-21-61911356