" MEM Technology-Innovation Enterprise Practical Classroom”: Exploring Innovative Enterprise-Alibaba



On June 27, the 15th MEM Technology-Innovation Enterprise Practical Classroom was successfully held. More than 40 MEM and AEBS students , led by Wang Zhenghuan, vice Dean of Shanghai International School of Chief Technology Officer, went to Hangzhou Alibaba Group to learn more about the development and application of Alibaba's Internet services in smart mobile office platform (Ding Talk), e-commerce services, Cainiao logistics services, big data cloud computing services, etc.


First of all, teachers and students visited the exhibition hall of Alibaba Hall 9, and under the leadership of the staff, they learned about the development of Alibaba from its inception to the present more than 20 years, including the past and present of well-known Alipay, Taobao Wangwang, "Feitian" cloud computing operating system and other projects. Subsequently, the staff introduced six major business groups to the teachers and students, including Taotian Group, Alibaba International Digital Business Group, Cloud Intelligence Group, Local Life Group, Cainiao Group, and Da Wen Yu Group. The teachers and students gained a more intuitive understanding of Alibaba's ecosystem construction and innovation under consumption, cloud computing, and globalization strategies.


Next, we will conduct a lecture sharing session for corporate guests. Alibaba Group Vice President Xing Yue gave a keynote speech on "New Quality Productivity in the AI Era". She used Alibaba's digital collaborative office and application development platform - "DingTalk" as an example to share three modes of collaboration between humans and AI, namely the Embedding mode for humans to complete the majority of work, the Copilot mode for humans and AI to collaborate on work, and the Agents mode for AI to complete the majority of work. She pointed out that what drives each round of technological change is not the technology itself, but the problem behind the technology being solved. Digging deep into scenario definition problems is the key to innovative intelligence, and everyone can be an AI master.


DingTalk solution architect Xiao Ahui shared the main theme of "Leading Insights: From Strategy to Perfect Implementation". He pointed out that the VUCA era characterized by variability, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity has been replaced by the fragile, anxious, unknowable, and non-linear BANI era, and any industry is in a process of being overturned, iterated, innovated, and restructured. Based on this background, he shared his project management support organization's effective implementation strategy summarized from his work practice.


          Hosted by Lin Weixing(General Manager of DingTalk Strategic Cooperation Department)

Subsequently, Ren Jianfeng, Director of the Shanghai Regional Service Department of the High tech Industry Branch of the China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, introduced the relevant work background, functions, and activities of the association. I hope to use today as a starting point for organizing exchanges between universities and enterprises, and continue to carry out more cooperation in areas such as industry education integration, technology transfer, and business expansion in the future.


                                                Summary by Vice Dean Wang Zhenghuan

After the guest's Q&A session, the students enthusiastically spoke up, asked questions to the guests, and shared their visiting experiences. This trip to the MEM on-site classroom for science and technology innovation enterprises has provided valuable opportunities for teachers and students to learn on-site and communicate face-to-face with industry experts. As a leading enterprise in technological innovation, Alibaba Group's cutting-edge technology and innovative culture have stimulated innovative thinking among teachers and students, deepening their understanding of enterprise management, technological innovation, and market strategies.